Weekend Picks

Happy happy Friday! That first week back is always hard so this weekend is all about relaxing and embracing the six seconds of cold weather that we’re having here in Florida. Heres’s what I’ll be doing:

– Pouring over How to Cook Everything Vegetarian by Mark Bittman, otherwise known as the Vegetarian Encyclopedia (probably only by me). It’s a comprehensive cookbook that goes beyond recipes and explains the experience of putting together food rather than just the steps that go into making something. I’m yet to follow a single recipe but I’ve been reading through it section by section and then allowing inspiration to lead when I actually get into the kitchen. (Apparently it’s now an app.)

– Giving up on Adultery by Paulo Coelho. I tried this because I love The Alchemist but I cannot get into this book. It’s predictable, the prose is generic at best, and the characters are flat. I expected more. If you haven’t read The Alchemist, I highly recommend having that experience.

– Watching The Two Faces of January and Force MajeureThe first is a thriller set in Europe with Kristin Dunst and Viggo Mortensen and the second is a dark comedy about a Swiss family on a skiing vacation

– Burning a fire in the backyard. We recently got a new fire pit that needs some breaking in lovin’. Bring on the s’morez!

Have a great weekend!